Tiffany Noelle Chacon headshot

Meet my friend Tiffany

I was first introduced to Tiffany Noelle Chacon when I was scoping the Amazon rankings and her books were always at or near the top! Plus, her covers were just gorgeous. 

I’ll admit, at first I was a little jealous. But when I needed another author to share a table at a big event, I reached out. 

Tiffany and I immediately became friends and I binged her entire series and couldn’t put it down. So good. I love her and her books so much, that I wanted you to know about them too! We did a little interview so you could get to know her.

What’s the most unusual place where you’ve found inspiration for a story?

Years ago, a friend told me about when Immigration (ICE) raided the showgrounds of the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington. I remember thinking it would be a crazy story to write. So when I decided to write an equestrian novel, I used this as inspiration—adding the fictional detail of a girl saving a guy from getting swept up in the raid…with a kiss. (I’M STILL SWOONING OVER THAT SCENE)


    How do you handle writer’s block? Do you have any go-to strategies?

    For me, one of the best ways to combat writer’s block is having a solid outline to start. After that, I write whatever I feel inspired to write—even if it’s not in sequential order! I often listen to music, go for walks or take a break from the computer and write in my notebook whenever I feel ’stuck.’ Also, being a homeschooling mom who doesn’t get a lot of alone time to write, the added pressure when I DO get writing time helps me to be productive! 


    What’s the most interesting fact you’ve discovered during your research for a book?

    I had to do a lot of research on spinal cord injuries because one of my main characters in my series has a C5 incomplete spinal cord injury and is a wheelchair user. I discovered a lot about SCIs and wheelchair users that surprised me—things they’re able to do (or not do) that was fascinating. There’s such a wide range of abilities, recoveries and complications with SCIs. It actually gave me a lot of creative freedom with that part of my character because the results are so wide-ranging. I read an interesting article in my research about how some wheelchair users might use the restroom—and it resulted in a (kind of) humorous scene between the two sisters in my book.


    What do you hope readers take away from your books?

    I hope that readers find a lot of hope in my stories—that all you need is a little faith in yourself (even if it’s borrowed from someone else!) and that no one is too broken to be loved. 


    Can you give us a sneak peek into what you’re working on next?

    I’m working on a brand new sweet & clean sports romance series. This month I’m starting a fun teaser promotion where I’m revealing the first sport I’m covering in the series (I’ll give you a hint: it’s not an equestrian sport this time!) and doing a cover reveal. Readers will have a chance to win some fun prizes as well as get early access to a brand new novella in the series. You can head to my Instagram page to be part of the fun! Here’s the link:

    I can’t say enough about her Equestrian Dreams series. It is a really fun clean romance, yet it goes so much deeper than that as the family deals with a spinal cord injury. Tiffany brought the story to life so well, that I wondered if she would be in a wheelchair herself when I met her. 

    Thank you to Tiffany Noelle Chacon for your incredible stories and for taking the time to answer some questions for us <3

    Equestrian Dreams across the top with four book covers from the Equestrian Dreams series
    Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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