Rough Start

Sometimes bad beginnings can have happy endings.  Shortly after I got Dixie I went out to the barn and she had a gigantic cut on her face.  It was right along the ridge of her cheek bone a couple inches below her left eye, about 3 inches long.  It looked bad, but Mrs....

How to Avoid Quicksand

Today was a frustrating day.  Thanks to weather, work, and locking my keys in the car Monday I haven’t been able to ride in nearly a week.  That means my young horse has had nearly a week to lose all work ethic he may have previously gained.  My trainer has been...

Moving On

I mentioned before that it was time to move on from Henry.  A lot of people don’t understand selling horses.  It is hard to explain, but I think it really depends on where you are in life.  Some people have the means to keep every horse they have ever...

The Ride

My time had come.  I walked on jello legs towards the chute my steer was waiting in.  The steer turned his head to the side and we made eye contact as I lowered myself down onto his cream colored back.  Justin secured my rope for me – it wraps around the...

Camp Horse Show

The day of the camp horse show was the day I decided to sell my beloved horse Henry.  He came to me without any barrel training, but he was FAST!  Well, no matter how hard I tried, we just could not make it work on the barrels.  The tricky thing about barrel racing is...
Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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