Her fight is my fight is written on a banner across a cartoon image of two horses and riders. The riders are holding hands high in victory

Her fight is my fight!

Our annual Mary Kay Foundation Charity Trail Ride is fast approaching! This year we are celebrating our thirteenth year of hosting a horse-related event to raise money for cancers that affect women and domestic violence victims. Most people consider 13 “unlucky”, but it was Mary Kay Ash’s favorite number and one that we like to celebrate extra in our pink world.

We know that lucky year thirteen will be our best yet, and we will be able to donate more money than ever to these important causes.


How it started

Thirteen years ago I had an idea to hold a fun horse show to raise money for the foundation. When I found out that another local sales director, Katrina Bills, also loved horses, I knew I’d found a partner. We did fun shows for a few years before I was worn out from the logistics of it, and Katrina convinced me to switch our event to a trail ride. We’ve never looked back!

The Trail Ride

Camp Highroad in Middleburg, Virginia has been our host ever since, and they have been wonderful to work with. We always have the event on Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day. Whatever you like to call it, it’s a Monday in October when most people are off work and school.  The ride is approximately 5 miles through mixed terrain of wooded trails, carriage paths, and fields.

People love it because it is barefoot friendly to our shoeless horses and a great event for young horses. If you’re training for endurance and need more than five miles, just be one of the earliest to arrive and you can do the trail twice!

two riders leaving for the mkf trail ride

 The Community and Growth

The ride attracts participants from the local area and as far as Pennsylvania. Support from the community helps us raise extra money. This year, realtor Jennifer Rossi is providing lunch for all the riders. We also have an incredible raffle which is headed up by our friend Amanda Slyper. 

Last year Amanda upgraded our event with a professional photographer, a pony painter, a local coffee trailer (that was in a horse trailer!), and made our raffle SO good that almost every participant bought tickets.  We also have a spirit award for the horse and rider pair with the best pink and/or purple outfit.

If you would like to participate in this year’s 13th Annual MKF Trail Ride, just go to our registration page here.

If you would like to donate to our raffle or sponsor a part of the event, please contact Amanda Slyper at acoopermk@gmail.com or text her 703-963-8593

Raffle items in the past have included things like: Tickets to the Washington International Horse Show, lessons from local trainers, stays at Airbnbs, equine and human massages, gift cards to local establishments, horse treats and equipment, and so much more.

Sponsorships help cover the cost of the event so we can give even more money to the foundation. 

To learn more about the Mary Kay Foundation, please click on this link: The Mary Kay Foundation


The coordinators of the MKF Charity Trail Ride pose for a photo
lady dressed in pink sits on a proud palomino horse
3 Riders sit on their horses
four riders wearing pink and posing with their horses

Thank you to everyone who has played even a tiny party in the past twelve years of this event. Whether you’ve participated as a rider, bought raffle tickets, gifted to our raffle, sponsored, or even just told a friend, we appreciate you. <3

Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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