A Merry Christmas Short Story

“I’m sorry” I heard the thick accent of the inn owner through the door. “The inn is full and I know this isn’t ideal, but with the animals in there it should be warm. Grab some straw, make a bed, whatever you need. Just, watch for the donkey. She kicks sometimes.” I...

The Best Moment of the Weekend

Check out the video with music on Instagram The highlight of my weekend didn’t cost a lot of money (unless you count the cost of horse ownership ). It wasn’t dramatic or expected. In fact, it was wrapped in some tough circumstances. The kids are in a phase...

My favorite books of 2021

I’m a bit obsessed with reading, so I thought it would be fun to start sharing some book reviews. Just to be clear, when I say “review”, I’m not going to share a book that I didn’t love. I’ve got no interest in tearing other authors...

Do you give credit where credit is due?

Do you give credit where credit is due? Meet Silas – my partner in adventure. Through Silas, I have learned so many things. For instance, the gift of the present and enjoying what I have, even when it’s not what I had hoped for. He is a gift from God at a...

What stories do you tell yourself?

The Event Imagine you send someone a message, “Hey do you want to come to dinner tomorrow?” You see within seconds that it is read, but there’s no immediate response. Where does your mind go? Now it’s been 2 hours, and still no response....
Book cover for the short story, Three Horses and a Wedding
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